Connection to Pueblo Tradition
When you visit a Pueblo Community, you may notice the sign actually reads "Shumakolowa Native Arts". This comes from the Zuni word for dragonfly and is pronounced “Shoe-mu-koh-low-wa.” The dragonfly is an important animal for the Pueblo people of New Mexico and other tribes of the Southwest. These special creatures are seen as messengers, speaking to the thunder and clouds to bring moisture and blessings to the people.
We believe in the spiritual value of art and its ability to share knowledge and beauty across cultures. We believe that by connecting artists and collectors, we are playing a vital role in celebrating and preserving distinctive art forms that are found nowhere else on earth.
For over 40 years, Pueblo artwork from Southwestern Native artists – have surpassed not only in museum exhibits but also in stores, providing an opportunity for patrons to take a piece of art or souvenir home. Our partners include both renowned, award-winning artists and emerging talent that highlight the artistic traditions and craftsmanship of the Pueblo people.
We at Caravan Maya are so blessed to bring this locally made Pueblo Native American Art - with direct benefit to the artisans who make them !